Home 13 A view of downtown Charlottetown

La vie de ville. À la sauce insulaire.

Découvrez Charlottetown

Charlottetown a beau être une petite ville, ça ne l’empêche pas de vibrer d’une énorme énergie contagieuse. S’ajoutant au charme et à l’hospitalité que l’ont reconnaît à l’Î.-P.-É., nos scènes gastronomique, artistique et culturelle ont de quoi surprendre et ravir!

Venez explorer le berceau de la Confédération. Il n’y a pas d’expérience plus canadienne que ça!
Laissez-vous submerger par la nostalgie romantique qu’évoque le magnifique paysage urbain de Charlottetown. Déambulez le long de la promenade en bois où les bateaux de pêche et de croisière se font la bise. Séjournez dans un gîte touristique qui vous rappellera Anne et la maison aux pignons verts. Pas mal, non? C’est l’heure de découvrir Charlottetown.

Découvrez notre ville
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40+ Things to Do This Winter in Charlottetown Winter in Charlottetown is nothing short of magical, with its snow-covered streets, cozy spaces, and an incredible lineup of...
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Your Best Bet for Brunch in Charlottetown Check out some of our favourite spots in Charlottetown to grab a bite of brunch, guaranteed to meet all of your...
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10+ Must-Visit Patios in Charlottetown From breezy dockside decks to cool rooftop terraces to swanky street-side spaces, there are endless choices for dining al...
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Brewin’ It Up: Your Caffeine & Craft Beer Fix in Charlottetown Whether your preferred brews are of the java or hops varietal (or both), the city's independent roasters and locally-loved...
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Top Tips For Cycling in Charlottetown Charlottetown is the perfect homebase from which to begin and end your cycling adventures in PEI. Whether you want to tour...
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Swoon-Worthy Streetscapes of Charlottetown Charlottetown is full of scenic views, charming corners, and funky decor. From Water Street to Victoria Row, there is no...
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6 Reasons To Make Charlottetown Your Winter Getaway Destination Whether it's snowshoeing in the fluffy snow or taking in the incredible live music, there’s plenty to see and do in...
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40+ Things to Do This Winter in Charlottetown Winter in Charlottetown is nothing short of magical, with its snow-covered streets, cozy spaces, and an incredible lineup of...
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Your Best Bet for Brunch in Charlottetown Check out some of our favourite spots in Charlottetown to grab a bite of brunch, guaranteed to meet all of your...
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10+ Must-Visit Patios in Charlottetown From breezy dockside decks to cool rooftop terraces to swanky street-side spaces, there are endless choices for dining al...
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Brewin’ It Up: Your Caffeine & Craft Beer Fix in Charlottetown Whether your preferred brews are of the java or hops varietal (or both), the city's independent roasters and locally-loved...
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Top Tips For Cycling in Charlottetown Charlottetown is the perfect homebase from which to begin and end your cycling adventures in PEI. Whether you want to tour...
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Swoon-Worthy Streetscapes of Charlottetown Charlottetown is full of scenic views, charming corners, and funky decor. From Water Street to Victoria Row, there is no...
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6 Reasons To Make Charlottetown Your Winter Getaway Destination Whether it's snowshoeing in the fluffy snow or taking in the incredible live music, there’s plenty to see and do in...
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